JANUARY Consummer Electronic Show 2019, Innovation Award 2019 catégories VR
Selected by the CTA (the Consumer Technology Association) and supported by the Grand Est Region, the Innovations Awards reward the best French innovations that will be presented from 8 to 12 January 2019 at the CES show in Las Vegas. HypnoVR was awarded the innovation prize in the “virtual reality” category by a jury of high-tech professionals.
FEBRUARYLes Trophées du Bien-être , Trophée Santé 2019
Each year, the Trophées du Bien-être reward a medical innovation, a gesture, an action, a play, a film, a concert, a music, an everyday product, or an urban improvement that has contributed to creating well-being for the greatest number of people. HypnoVR wins in the Health category.
FEBRUARY La Tribune, 10.000 startups pour changer le monde, Lauréat régional du concours 10 000 startups pour changer le mondecatégorie Start
Organised by La Tribune and BNP Paribas, the 10,000 startups to change the world competition rewards a startup in five categories “Environment & Energy”, “Deep tech & Data”, “Smart tech”, “Health” and “Start”. HypnoVR regional winner in the Start category.
MARCH 5 ème édition du E-HealthWorld Monaco, Grand Prix Innovation Anesthésie et Prix Spécial Visiomed 2019
E-HealthWorld Monaco is a congress dedicated to connected health and the medicine of tomorrow and organised by health professionals. Sponsored by prestigious official, institutional and private partners, and supported by extensive media coverage, #eHM brings together e-health professionals. HypnoVR Grand Prix Innovation in Anaesthesia
MARCH Confiance de l’Association Autrement
An association that has been involved with patients suffering from pain and/or serious illnesses for 15 years. Its mission: To relieve Acompany Support. The association has collected donations to improve the care of seriously ill patients through various complementary medicines including the HypnoVR device. A real pride for our company.
APRIL Confiance de l’Association Coeur à Choeur
Coeur à Choeur is a non-profit association of parents of sick children. The association regularly organises gospel concerts and donates the profits from the concerts to needy families, specialised structures or associations for the disabled. We are very grateful to have been chosen to help alleviate the suffering of sick children in the paediatric intensive care unit of the Hautepierre Hospital. An initiative also supported by the Association Une note de douceur.
MAY Congrès de l’Association Française de Chirurgie, Prix de l’Innovation du Jury 2019
Organised by the French Association of Surgery (AFC), the Creation and Innovation competition rewards the best innovations of the congress thanks to the votes of the participating surgeons. Public Innovation Award in 2018, HypnoVR has the honour of being the Jury’s Innovation Award for this 2019 edition.
MAY Vivatech 2019, Orange concours de pitch Challenge 5G,Finaliste
Organised by Orange on the Orange Lab stand at Vivatech 2019, the annual event dedicated to technological innovation and start-ups. The objective of the challenge: to demonstrate to Orange, the jury and the public how Orange’s 5G will help redefine and enhance their product and service offering. HypnoVR among the 5 finalists out of 280 applications.
MAY Paris HealthCare Week HIT Innovations Trophées 2019,Finaliste catégorie traitement et éducation thérapeutique
The aim is to reward the most innovative professionals and companies in the sector of new technologies applied to health. HypnoVR was a finalist in this first edition in the treatment and therapeutic education category.
MAY Confiance de l’association Lulucémie
Lulukaemia is an association whose aim is to raise awareness of leukaemia and to help the nursing staff by collecting donations. Lulukemia has thus enabled the financing of several HypnoVR devices for the Centre Hospitalier de la Côte Basque. HypnoVR is very proud to be able to contribute to relieving stress and anxiety during chemotherapy and to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy alongside the health care team thanks to this great association.
SEPTEMBER The Eurometropole of Strasbourg is the winner of the call for projects launched by the State, “Territoires d’Innovation”, on the theme of health.
Winner of this call for projects, whose operator is the Caisse des Dépôts, allows for the financing of nearly €13 million in subsidies and more than €24 million in equity investments in companies, but above all to become a reference territory in France for health. HypnoVR is proud and grateful to be part of the project companies.
OCTOBER Confiance de l’Association de La Ligue Contre le Cancer
The League against Cancer, an association that finances research, prevents risks and supports patients and their families, together with the Pony Pony Run Run association, have financed a HypnoVR device for the Jean Perrin Centre in Clermont-Ferrand. Intended for patients to reduce pain and anxiety related to certain care in the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Adult Clinical Haematology and Pneumology departments. It is a great honour to have the confidence of such an important and publicly recognised organisation.
OCTOBER Journées Francophones de la Société Française de Radiologie – SFR, Coup de Cœur de l’Innovation en imagerie médicale
Each year, the French Society of Radiology awards numerous prizes and grants, including the “Coup de cœur” innovation prize during the Journées Francophones de la Société Française de Radiologie in Paris. HypnoVR Coup de Coeur for innovation in medical imaging, an award that will allow HypnoVR to be automatically present on a stand at the 2020 edition.
OCTOBER HypnoVR certifiée Jeune Entreprise Innovante
HypnoVR certified as a Young Innovative Company. This new status will allow our young company to accelerate its research projects and develop the use of HypnoVR in the treatment of pain and anxiety in as many indications as possible.
NOVEMBER Partenariat Vivalto Santé / HypnoVR
HypnoVR, a French start-up specialising in the development of medical hypnosis solutions using virtual reality, and the Vivalto Santé Group, the third largest player in the private hospital sector in France, have announced the signing of a major agreement in three areas: the distribution of HypnoVR software, clinical research and co-development.
NOVEMBER VIRTUALITY, Virtuality XR Awards 2019, Best Project for the Health Industry
Each year the Virtuality XR Awards reward the best achievements in virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms etc. in industrial and creative categories. HypnoVR voted Virtuality XR Awards in the Health Industry category.
NOVEMBER Partenariat Pierre Fabre Oral Care / HypnoVR
HypnoVR: the first medical hypnosis solution using virtual reality to reduce patient anxiety during care. On the occasion of the annual congress of the French Dental Association (ADF), Pierre Fabre Oral Care, leader in oral hygiene in pharmacies, and HypnoVR, a French start-up specialising in the development of medical hypnosis solutions using virtual reality, have announced the signing of a partnership with a view to offering dental surgeons HypnoVR©, an innovative device for treating stress and anxiety in the treatment room.
Join the movement!
More than 300 institutions are already using HypnoVR to improve their patients’ experience of care.