Hypno-sedation before the procedure:
a natural anxiolytic treatment
A session has a long-term anxiolytic effect on the patient. A deeply relaxed patient, for the smooth progress of the dental treatment, both for patient and dentist.
Hypno-sedation in the chair:
for a relaxed, imobile, satisfied patient
In addition to a local anaesthetic, a session eases or supresses the sensation of discomfort and pain and inhibits stress and its somatic symptoms.
Overcome the fear of going to the dentist!
Anxiety is a sypmtom frequently associated with care. It affects 40 à 60% of the patients operated on and almost half of the patients in dentistry.
10% of patients have a real phobia of going to the dentist. At the time of treatment this may induce panic symptoms with palpitations, trembling, surges of high arterial blood pressure, heightened gag relflexes, excessive salivation… These traumatic experiences can cause evasive behaviour and refusal to have treatement. A link has also been shown between anxiety and post-operative pain.
To prevent this anxiety, hypnosis and virtual reality are effective non-medicated solutions, like HypnoVR.
The combination of virtual reality with medical hypnosis makes it possible to benefit from both techniques.
Through our technologie medical hypnosis is now available to the greatest number of patients and has proved itself effective in managing pain and anxiety.
The patient will be isolated from the stimuli causing the anxiety about dentistry, such as the sight of the surgical instrumens or the noise of the rotary instruments; this facilitates the clinical session.
François Clauss, Paediatric Resucitation Unit at the CHU de Strasbourg
Proven clinical efficacy for dental treatment
In partnership with Pierre Fabre Oral Care
A forerunner in bringing calm and well-being to the dentist’s practice, Pierre Fabre Oral Care offers HypnoVR in its network as an alternative to pharmacological sedation for the well-being of patients and dental practitioners.
The HypnoVR solution
More than 200 health facilities already use HypnoVR to imporve their patients’ course of treatment.
Find our moreJoin the trend!
You are a dentist, a dental surgeon, a dental assistant or dental technician?
You want to use medical hypnosis linked to virtual reality in the dentist’s surgery?
Don’t hesitate to contact us to receive our offers or our clinical studies, to find out about our practical examples, to book a demonstration in your workplace or if you have any other questions.