The HypnoVR solution in the oncology department of the Groupe Hospitalier de Saint Vincent - HypnoVR


The HypnoVR solution in the oncology department: helping patients free themselves from pain and anxiety!

Rapid immersion in a relaxing environment thanks to the HypnoVR virtual reality medical hypnosis device. This innovative, easy-to-use solution enables patients to relax during unpleasant procedures (infusions, punctures, etc.). The Groupe Hospitalier de Saint Vincent, thanks to the Ligue contre le cancer, has equipped itself with virtual reality headsets for patients in the oncology department.

The benefits of HypnoVR in the oncology department are remarkable:

👉🏼 reduced pain, stress and anxiety

👉🏼 a reduction in chemical sedation and its undesirable effects

👉🏼 improved patient comfort

Join the trend !

More than 200 hospitals and clinics already use HypnoVR to improve the treatment experience for their patients.