Improve well-being at work
with virtual reality technology.
For medical staff and hospital and clinic managers
Let’s talk about quality of life at work
In France, close to 1 out of 4 workers admit to being over-stressed at work and more than half the working days lost are linked to stress.
What is the impact in teams and the establishment?
Escalating inter-personal tensions
An increase risk of occupational accidents
Your establishment’s reputation tarnished
As for absenteeism, the prime indicator of workers’malaise, it exceeded 5% in 2019.

Nowadays our hospitals and clinics, as well as companies, are in search of what they see as essential, a type of well-being at work, which combines caring and performance. In France, 47% of companies are already offering well-being programmes and, with regulations on occupational psycho-social risks in mind, are endeavouring to take care of their colleagues.

The benefits of an approach working towards
a better quality of life at work?
Integrating HypnoVR and its virtual reality relaxation sessions into this process helps you to innovate and construct the world of work of the future.
Enhance your reputation by sending out a strong employer brand message, which is pro-active in confronting the challenges for its sector.
Well-being =

Reduction in absenteeism

Lower staff turnover

Increase in productivity and creativity

Improve reputation
Join the trend!
More than 200 hospitals and clinics already use HypnoVR to improve the treatment experience for their patients or for the well-being of their medical staff.
Contact us
For medical staff
Take a healthy break!
A device which will very quickly plunge you
into a state of deep relaxation
Since 2016 HypnoVR has been developing a new virtual reality concept with proven clinical efficacy, dealing with the management of stress.
Our HypnoVR device combines the power of medical hypnosis with innovation in virtual reality helmets: our expertise is therefore within the reach of everyone. Total visual immersion is combined with a hypnotic narrative, thus encouraging controlled breathing and cardiac coherence. Enriched by musical compositions specifically designed in accordance with the recognised principles of music therapy, our technology aims to bring you a unique relaxation experience.
One single immersion in a virtual universe could distract you for the duration of one session. However, our solution will invite you to submerge yourself in an experience, all the aspects of which are controlled in accordance with medical techniques to reinforce therapeutic efficacy with the aim of reducing stress.

Access the benefits of medical hypnosis
rapidly and simply thanks to virtual reality
Thanks to ergonomics, it is easy to set up a session in less than one minute. 10 minutes of immersion will be sufficient for you to benefit from its relaxing effects. As the effect is immediate, it can last for several hours.
A comforting HypnoVR session will quickly become your indispensable daily ritual, particularly before or after a stressful period. To unwind after a tough meeting, before or after an intense procedure or simply to recover from a tiring day, a matter of leaving the stresses of work at work.
Many medical staff
already benefit from HypnoVR
For managers
Calmer, more efficient teams
We know that your staff are
your main concern
Providing HypnoVR digital therapy to your medical staff means that you have taken the strategic decision to make the quality of life of your medical staff your main concern. Our techology will have an impact on the well-being of your colleagues, will take the heat out of existing issues and prevent some crisis situations, which might arise.
Although HypnoVR is not designed specifically as a tool for improving performance, but as an immersive relaxation device, if your teams are less stressed, they will also be more committed and efficient in the long term.

An effective device
designed for your daily routine
HypnoVR is based on the principles of medical hypnosis and brings its benefits to the greatest number thanks to virtual reality digital technology. Founded by 2 anaesthetists specialising in therapeutic hypnosis, the efficacy of the solution has already been validated by a large number of clinical studies and is used by more than 200 hospitals and clinics.
Our solution is designed for simplicity. Since virtual reality helmet technology can seem disconcerting in a professional context, we have developed our software and its accessories for quick, easy use. Anyone who wants may start the session in less than one minute and benefit from it during a break.
Find out more about the productA digital therapy
with a recognised scientific approach
Science is at the heart of our approach. Everything we do is based on evidence and clinically validated. We have constructed our solution on the science of treatment of anxiety and stress and we validate its efficacy through published research and clinical studies.
You would like to know more or to benefit from a demonstration?
HypnoVR offers a wide range of services for your support.
Contact us